I have no lessons for 2 days, Tue & Wed.
However, I'm still gonna stay at home to do some revision esp for comm-skills test this Sat :X
Why must it always always always be on a Sat? Why.
I have to edit my resume and research on interviews related info to prepare for the interview role play next week.
While editing my resume, I realized that I'm lacked of achievements in Poly as compared to sec. Well.
One thing I'm most relieved about is that this Friday marks the end of the 8 weeks of trading session.
I have been starting counting down since the semester break :D
No more free labour ^^
I can't wait for Sem 2.2 to be over really soon.
Recently, I have been so moody~ Can't help it~ so many things to do,so little time.
All my Korean notes are stacking up high, but I have no time to revise D:
I can't miss out on the exam this year.
Once a year exam, if I miss it again I have to wait for another year.
I really need the KLPT cert :OO
Oh ya~ this few days twitter trending on the legal sparring tournament between Steven Lim & Aaron Tan.
I have got so many re-tweets on my twitter timeline~
What's with that unnecessary legal fight? Attention seekers? OR marketing campaign for "Big Fish"? HAHA!
Frankly, Ppl are just wasting their time watching those videos. :X