Today's last day of sch.Woots!!
Morning went to sch at 11 am ,met Clara at the bus stop.
Today's accounting lesson was just getting back results and can go off after that.
I got a C grade.
And Mr Seah said I have the right attitude and should continue to maintain it.*happy*
It motivates me.>_*
Quote of the day:
"Your mind is a pot of thoughts and your attitude is the aroma of your thoughts. The great winners in life have one thing common: great attitudes."
Lunch with Wendy at Whitesand MAC.
Then shop around before she go sch for aerobics.haha.
...before i left sch,i completely forgotten to get back my econs book and RA notes from clara and jun xian.>_>
So took MRT back to Tampines to get them back.
As I was waiting,I went to Tampines Mall to look for tools for miniatures.
But to no avail,the shops don't sell those.):
However, I realised something quite interesting.Esp when I was inside Toys"R"Us.
It is nice to be a child . Pure heart with no troubles.>__<
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!