♬♩ What's LIFE without MUSIC♩♬
♯ 炎亚纶_AARON YAN ♯ ♥♥
♯ 김려욱_KIM RYEO WOOK♯ ♥♥
Owned by: ♫ LILLIAN_LSH ♥
말하자면♥ You're my endless love (:
I don't skip lecture unnecessarily :D but I skipped marketing research lecture today.
I'm really tired recently.너무피곤해요!
However, I did not skipped TNS lesson in the evening :DD
And I completely slipped off my mind that I'm supposed to hand up reflective journal entry 3 which is due today. :>
What's happening to me nowadays?
Keep sending the wrong files to project mates. Forget this,forget that.
Lesson ended at around 8pm. When I board bus 8,I was sitting at the front row near to the bus driver. This bus uncle in his sixties or seventies chatted with me.HAHA! I remembered he told me that we are lucky to be able to study so much because during his time he hardly have any chance to study (:
Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
I still have to go to campus tmr for my cds ,2.5 hrs.
"I always wonder what crosses your mind when your eyes meet mine."
(RT @ispeakquote)
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♫ because I AM lillian, I 'll always be myself ♫
♩MUSIC Wish list ♬
♥ SJ Super Show 4- 19Feb
♥ SJ Show 3 Album
♥ SJ Super Show 5
♥ SJ Super Show 6SG (JUNE'15)
♫ My Personal Corner to leave nice memories behind ♫
Wordsihaveneversaid has been my official personal blogging site since 2008. Basically, I blog about everything that had changed & made an impact in my life! My inner thoughts . ♫~♫♫~~
Travel to: *Korea* ♥ Travel to: *Taiwan* ♥ Travel to: *Japan* ♥ Travel to: *Hong Kong* ♥ Travel to Canada GPA 3.5 Gain more COURAGE To obtain TOPIK Grade 3/4 Further study after getting my Comms Degree
SJ Show 3 Album SJ Super Show 5 KRY *LIVE* SJ Super Show 6SG (JUNE'15)< Get my driving license Courage to Perform