Hey!! I'm back!!
I have no time to update my blog..Finally is Friday!!
All the tests this week is over...but more is coming up..haiz..
Time flies...Now is about the last few days of February..
Going into MARCH!! YEAH and BOO!!!!
However, i vowed that this will be the 1st time and last time happening...
This is merely a test not O level...but i am still bothered by it..
My sis is having her school holiday until the April (year 2) so relaxing...
Biology topic on Heredity *#@#@*#@#*# genetic thing is so complicated..
nxt week sat is the Biology test ( 4 chapter!!!)OMG!!
Recently just read a chinese love story..and the synopsis is so interesting ...
Some time things are coincidence..
Do u believe , i believe in this ..maybe that's fate?!! Who knows?
Maybe u will meet your other half tomorrow... hahax..
Today went for the guzheng practise..woo..
The whole of second row have to stay back ..
...arh..so 衰!!
And instructor say i have no rhythm ..hahax..Keep playing the wrong things...hahax...
She like aiming for a higher level than silver...
Today 1 sec 2 girl cried..she has to play that part over and over again...
The instructor is so strict!!
Recently I am hooked on to making food miniatures..I waiting forward to attend the lessons after the O ...
Beginner-- $50
Who is interested maybe can accompany me...hahax...
The SYF is one month away...2 yr ago, that is my 3rd SYF performance..
Can you imagine that time I am only a sec 2 student and now having my head on the chopping board??!!
That was fast indeed!!
My A.maths is starting to suck..My Geography result is going down the drain...
Not to mention, my chinese this days is really really really
I want a distinction for my chinese..is that possible??
My results is drastically dropping..
Start to do all my revision...
I want to go to Singapore Polytechnic Biomedical Sci <10>
Have to go and do my SEQ..SO BORING!!
The recent Taiwan dramas are so nice but I must resist the temptation!!
It is very hard to control as I am crazy Fan of Taiwanese Dramas...
I think the next post will be a week later..may be will be longer....
Every wk, "TEST" and " EXAM" is the words i hear...SIANX...

Today is my mum 's birthdae!! Happy Birthday!!
My birthday is just 2 days before the O LEVEL!!sighed....

Tomorrow is Physics test!!
fRIDAY got chinese paper 2..a long day but gd news is that there will be no guzheng!!
Arh!! I forgotten to wish wendy a Happy 16th birthday!!