Hey I'm back ...
Yesterday, just have the S.S milestone...it seems not to be so easy...I mix everything up...
The whole day have no excitement...especially the boring talk on the chemistry whatever...
I miss the opportunity to go the FAHREHAITautograph session ...arh...jus to study the 12 SEQ!!
..But it's also a gd thing that I did not go...a lot of people went..
Anyway ,they still appear on Tv yesterday...Of course i will not possibly miss it...hahax..
Today , Amaths test .I Really Really tried my best already...but I think I will still Fail..Heehee
Differentiation & integration...傻傻分不清楚..haiz..
During Biology lesson, the wendy keep on complaining.. "Arh my A.maths...10 marks gone.."
I more worst izit it..I do the correct working and get the correct ans..u know wat?
I think too much..I thought 3 marks can't be just 1 simple step..So stupid of me..
I realised everytime i get the correct ans..i will always thought I am wrong.....
What can I do?? 无可奈何 **-_-**
Today something make me laugh really hard...
The topic on Reoproduction in plant...i said receptacle--spectacle...wendy actually can remember the nonsense I say...
Bio lesson, Ms Ng show us the model of the plant, after the lesson..
Melvin & Yee Zheng hold the model and take photo...They look like receiving a trophy...hahax...
Going to study for the Bio test this thur....

Finally Biology milestone over..4 chapters at one go...
I yesterdae study until 3am this morning..wooo...so tiring..hope i will do well...
Yesterday ,guzheng instructor did not come so everyone slacking...
This coming monday, Xie lao shi goin to pick the day of our SYF!!
Hope that it will be the 1st day, and also not after the schools that have achieve gold...or better performance than us...
Heard from wendy saying that when near to SYF, we nid to stay back on sat to practice ..
...I DON'T WANT!!!...
Got got a bad cough...
Jus now through out the 1hr 30 mins biology test, I was there coughing non-stop!!!
Haiz..really need a good break...