What happened to me today?
Why i did so badly for the P2?
I gt 13/30..it was a great disappointment..
That really affects my mood..
I am sorry to those I have just offended because I am really really feeling extremely irritated..
Really really sorry...미안한 ....*_*..
Tomorrow is the last day for the intensive MT ..i will try my best to do well..
Despite my lousy result today, i will not give up so easily...
결코 포기하지 말라!!

YEAH! Finally exam over!!
Today was so tiring!!!!!
Got mild headache after bio paper..
Tomorrow eng oral..hope everything works out well ...
Finally I can have ample time to rest after so many days of hardwork,
although i feel that my mid yr is super lousy!
Anyway, it is over...
Now I am going to focus on my Maths...especially A.maths...haiz...

My table..hahax...