I got A1 for chinese..my desire mark..
but how did i get distinction for oral??
I dun remember talking very well for conversation..that's weird..
anyway..i don't have to retake...
Those friends that did not get their desire mark..what i can say is :WORK HARDER!!
Esp for Ashley: U never lose to anyone..dun compete with the rest...work harder ...
Ur oral gt distinction that means if u do well for the written paper,there
is still chance to get A..so ur shifu give u moral support....JIAYOU!!
Back to topic..though i did well,cannot be complacent..
must work extremely hard for other paper esp A.maths,Biology,and eng.
Btw the bio test today somehow easy but also difficult..
I dun expect gd marks as i only spend 1 day to study the whole book..
but did not manage to study finish because i fall asleep halfway...
..everytime also fall asleep.. hehe..
So I am going to study Bio everyday..
till i know the book inside out upside down(said by Mdm Yap)hahax..
A.maths ..i tink my target now should be B3..
Haiz....I still thinking abt the problem ..should i give up??
Finally Eng oral is over!!
The passage have words i don't know..picture quite fluent..conversation...
But overall..tink okay ba!!
Wed getting back chinese o level result..hope that i don't have to retake..
Now..i nid to put in more effort in other written paper..
the physics paper today..haiz..can pass??
Hey !! I'm back but just for a moment!!Haha..LOL
发现一个有趣的秘密..but i promise to keep mum abt that..
..so i will just erase that off my mind...*-*
The following months will be exhausting and torturing but i have to persevere..
Today gt back my E.maths paper..guess wat i pass back 6 marks only..
However, i managed to pass both my A.Maths which i didn't hold high hope to pass for the paper...
So it means that if i put in lots of efforts,i will get something in return!!
I am not so worry about my english oral..will i be able to clear the paper??That is a question!!
...And I am the last one..that is most terrible thing...
Neve mind ..see what i can improve...
Should I really really give him up??Maybe it's time to let it go...But it is heartbreaking..=(
everytime i tell myself to give up , i don't want to !!It has been couple of years..
Perhaps this time , i have no choice but to forget him...
..what decision should i make which will not make me feel hurt??