♥Lee Hong Ki♥Choi Jong Hun♥Lee Jae Jin♥Choi Min Hwan♥Song Seung Hyun♥
♥Lee Teuk♥Kim Ryeo Wook
We are in a totally different world.Maybe it meant to be♥.
Seems so near yet so far.
Now I have 2 more idols:.....LEE TEUK AND KIM RYEO WOOK.
Both from Super Junior.The leader and the eternal magnae.(:
Follow me on Twitter. http://twitter.com/lillianwookie
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
The One
As long as I'm with you
I can't go wrong
Oh baby what you do to me?
You're the one
I've been trying to see you
For such a long long time
Maybe I'm just sad to face that I (??)
but I won't lie
When it comes to loving you
All the things that I would do
Been waiting for this day for far too long
I never could imagine it so strong (??)
As long as I'm with you, I can't go wrong
Oh baby what you do to me?
You're the one
How I try to reach you
Oh In everyway I can
But it's hard to find a way to show
that I'm your man
When it comes to loving you
All the things that I would do
Been waiting for this day for far too long
I never could imagine it so strong (??)
As long as I'm with you, I can't go wrong
Oh baby what you do to me?
You're the one
When it comes to loving you
All the things that I would do
Oh yeah
Oh baby what you do to me
You're the One
Yesterday.STEAMBOAT with poly friends.
Today.STUDY with bunny.But does it consider studying?haha(:
I must finish POM by 2MORO.
Sometimes,it's good when we do not know anything.
Ignorance is bliss.
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
Today's out with my sec friends!!
Venue:Marina Barrage!:)
I have alr uploaded the photos and also zi xian's unglam up on fb.
I am exhausted now.
Tomorrow's will be having steamboat with poly friends.
After 2moro,focus.:))
now...My bed is calling me...haha:)
Shall have a good rest today...my toes are sore....:(
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
♥Lee Hong Ki♥Choi Jong Hun♥Lee Jae Jin♥Choi Min Hwan♥Song Seung Hyun♥
"Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing."
Today went to Bugis street in the afternoon with my sis.
Bought 1 skirt and 1 long sleeve shirt.Also a white frame specs.
My sis bought a sunglasses,which she wore it the entire day.And her action today was hilarious.haha(:
Not only that,my initial intention was just to browse through the books sold at kinokuniya,but in the end I still cannot resist the temptation so I bought a magazine.
On F.T. island ,& Fahrenhait.(Y).haha.
My sis was there: "U are ultimately crazy!"
1 week ~~gone~
Tomorrow.The start of the 2nd week.
Need to focus and start my revision.
* I am using my Dad's MacBook Pro. Nice to use but I still prefer using my lappy.*
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
♥Lee Hong Ki♥Choi Jong Hun♥Lee Jae Jin♥Choi Min Hwan♥Song Seung Hyun♥
My sis and I

People often regret after speaking.But what is done cannot be undone.
And a wrong speech,a mistake can lead to unhappiness and dispute among the rest,not even to mention those people with blood relation.
What does having blood relation means?
Recently,certain matter proved that blood relation is not important especially when there is an asset which initially supposed to be allocated between 2 brothers.
And the 2 brothers are my dad and my uncle.
From my point of view,My dad is silly.
Since my uncle doesn't care about brothers sentiment,why bother?
Does this situation ever happen to the only child of a family?
Though I know that not everyone are money-minded,but a large proportion are.
We cannot deny.
Money is everything.:)
In real life this is the first time I witnessed with my own eyes and heard with my ears,how money change a person.
The power of money is powerful.
However, Greed in mankind is in control.
As all of us are aware, most of the problems in this beautiful world are caused by the "greed" of mankind!
Most of the sickness especially mental sicknesses are also caused by "greed" of mankind!
Greed.Greed.Greed.Greed is the mastermind.
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
♥Lee Hong Ki♥Choi Jong Hun♥Lee Jae Jin♥Choi Min Hwan♥Song Seung Hyun♥
"It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone".Beautiful.True.
*****It's nature way.**********
Tommorrow going to Mount Elizabeth with my mum.(:
Have to wake up early.*_<
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!

Just happen to came across photos of my niece in my com.
She's simply cute and funny!!
I missed the times where I helped in babysitting her.
It is nice to be a child.
Recently,I am just too lazy.
Everyday, Slacking took up most of time.haha
This break just stimulate the laze in me,but I know I can't.
Yesterday, I have fun scaring my sis...
because it is now the Hungry Ghost Festival.*_<
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
"Real elation is when you feel you could touch a star without standing on tiptoe."(:
I want to return to my old self.But can I?
I hate the present me.This is not the real me.
I no longer sense the happiness as before.
In the past,I voiced out what I FEEL.Unlike now.I kept everything to myself.
Things do not change,however I changed.
All of us have “faked a smile” at some point.
It seems happening more frequently to me nowadays.
Under the fake smile are sadness,though sometimes it is inevitable .
Melancholy is the word in this particular moment of my life.
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
Today quite a boring day.
Afternoon,studied econs.However cannot stand the urge of having a nap,so I slept for 2 hrs.(:
Felt refreshed.
This is the first time I took an afternoon nap ever since the starting of poly life.
I felt the shiokness.haha:P
Evening went to Tan Tock Seng Hospital to visit my grandma.Hope she recover soon.^^
Then after that, dinner at Compass Point.:)
Now right home,my addiction for dramas seem to be coming back.haha.
Yesterday I have a very scary dream.
It is regarding the POM project.I dreamt that 1 day before the submission date I have not even completed half of the project.On the day of submission,Still the project is not done.
10mins before the submission time,I was so afraid that I will screw up the module.haha
Freaking scary.
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
Labels: t

Today's last day of sch.Woots!!
Morning went to sch at 11 am ,met Clara at the bus stop.
Today's accounting lesson was just getting back results and can go off after that.
I got a C grade.
And Mr Seah said I have the right attitude and should continue to maintain it.*happy*
It motivates me.>_*
Quote of the day:
"Your mind is a pot of thoughts and your attitude is the aroma of your thoughts. The great winners in life have one thing common: great attitudes."
Lunch with Wendy at Whitesand MAC.
Then shop around before she go sch for aerobics.haha.
...before i left sch,i completely forgotten to get back my econs book and RA notes from clara and jun xian.>_>
So took MRT back to Tampines to get them back.
As I was waiting,I went to Tampines Mall to look for tools for miniatures.
But to no avail,the shops don't sell those.):
However, I realised something quite interesting.Esp when I was inside Toys"R"Us.
It is nice to be a child . Pure heart with no troubles.>__<
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
Gotten back my CSA Result : C.
Now left Retail accounting result.
Tomorrow's the last lesson for retail accounting.11am.(:
Things seemed to have went back to right track.*happy*
Oh ya,Almost forgotten.Revision on econs with bunny,the witch.haha.
I think I probably have time on Nxt Mon,Tue(morning),Wed,Thurs.
I text u later,see which day both of us are available.
Friday accompany my mum to Mount Elizabeth for a detailed check-up.
Her previous medical report showed her having uterine fibroid.
Hope it is nothing serious.(:
She takes up an important role in my life.Cannot afford to lose her.(:
So wish everything is well.
Below a story:
An 80 year old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45 years old highly educated son. Suddenly a crow perched on their window.
The Father asked his Son, "What is this?"
The Son replied "It is a crow".
After a few minutes, the Father asked his Son the 2nd time, "What is this?"
The Son said "Father, I have just now told you "It's a crow".
After a little while, the old Father again asked his Son the 3rd time,
What is this?"
At this time some ex-pression of irritation was felt in the Son's tone when he said to his Father with a rebuff. "It's a crow, a crow".
A little after, the Father again asked his Son t he 4th time, "What is this?"
This time the Son shouted at his Father, "Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again, although I have told you so many times 'IT IS A CROW'. Are you not able to understand this?"
A little later the Father went to his room and came back with an old tattered diary, which he had maintained since his Son was born. On opening a page, he asked his Son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary :-
"Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My Son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a Crow. I hugged him lovingly each time h e asked me the same question again and again for 23 times. I did not at all feel irritated I rather felt affection for my innocent child".
While the little child asked him 23 times "What is this", the Father had felt no irritation in replying to the same question all 23 times and when today the Father asked his Son the same question just 4 times, the Son felt irritated and annoyed.
Familiar?haha.(: Different treatment. We are behaving just like that.
Should I go jogging with my mum tomorrow?
Everytime I promise her, the nxt morning I will say:" I want to sleep,tomorrow then run."haha.:P
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
Today is a long day.
Got back my grade for econs.disappointed.D+.
The worst of all subjects.):
Now my worry is the remaining 60%.60%.60%.
Tomorrow will CSA grade.Hope it will be better.
Higher expectations lead to higher disappointment.SAD.
My trip to taiwan will probably be postponed to next year.My mum said the weather nowadays quite bad.So risky.I want to go TAIWAN.):
Why everything so undesirable?.Down...
I dunno if u will read my this blog post.I am HAPPY that u tell me your feelings.
I hereby tell u:
U just have to be yourself.U don't have to care whether if u embarrass your friends most importantly is how u think of yourself.Everyone have their unique style.U want to sing just sing,u like k-pop just like.*smile*
Thought of the day:
"The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them."(:
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
Today's an embarrassing day for me.haha
U know what? I tripped over the stairs twice.
One time at the school bus stop.The second time at business sch the stairs lobby.
Luckily, only 2 classmates saw.*Faint*
I feel so PAISEH.:|...CLUMSY.
What happened to me today?haha.
Today wore my spec,no contacts.I wore it for too long the day before.^^
BTW,I have already missed a few session of eye check-up.
My eyes nowadays uncomfortable.Maybe will go during this holiday.(:
Marketing tutorial today.
Got back marketing overall grade: C.
I want an A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A!!!!
Sometimes we are mad because ur classmates/friends did not attend lec or tutorial.
And yet,they got better results than u.Why is it like that?
I studied hard but why still lousy results?
WHY? WHY? WHY?Someone tell me why?
Tomorrow's Wednesday.
Morning Marketing Revision Lecture.
Followed by,Microecons tutorial.
4pm.Retail accounting.(:
I have 3 hrs of break in between,so I shall revise my econs.ECONS.ECONS.
Thought of the day:
"Our vision of what is real and what is not real, of what is true and what is not true, both in ourselves and in others, makes us what we are."
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
OMG!This is freaking scary!
"People who sleep more or fewer than seven hours a day, including naps, are increasing their risk for cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States, a study published Sunday shows.Sleeping fewer than five hours a day, including naps, more than doubles the risk of being diagnosed with angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack or stroke,And sleeping more than seven hours also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, it says.Study participants who said they slept nine hours or longer a day were one-and-a-half times more likely than seven-hour sleepers to develop cardiovascular disease, the study found.The most at-risk group was adults under 60 years of age who slept five hours or fewer a night. They increased their risk of developing cardiovascular disease more than threefold compared to people who sleep seven hours.Women who skimped on sleep, getting five hours or fewer a day, including naps, were more than two-and-a-half times as likely to develop cardiovascular disease.Short sleep duration was associated with angina, while both sleeping too little and sleeping too much were associated with heart attack and stroke, the study says."
Haha.I sleep for 5hr+ everyday.(:
My findings today.haha
...This week is the last week.
It means a break,on the other hand it means starting of revisions.
I finally understand the basic of econs.It took me 1/2 hr.
It was alr the fastest I can digest the informations.haha.(:
Today as a quite a boring day.Morning POM tutorial.Afternoon POM lecture.
Got back my marks for POM overall.
Group project: 80/100(A)
My overall grade(include my mid-sem test): B+.
At least it is better than what I expected.:)))
Nxt should be marketing which is 2moro.2pm-4pm. Hope it will not be too bad.:)
My mood nowadays is like a rollar coaster.UP & DOWN.
How to attain a balance?haha.
Quite a few problems that kept me bothered.sigh....
But how to ignore?I have no solution to it.Simply none.:)
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!
Today's 1 AUGUST. 3 months and more in TP.No clear goals.
It is better to have a clearer view of what we want to attain for the future.
However,sometimes things don't go smoothly as we wished.
I was thinking to myself today.
What job can I get employed in the Retail Industry?
Does it interests me?
Should I pursue another course if I 'm going to UNI?
I completely have no idea which path should I take,that will benefits me.
I asked my mum,she told me : "Maybe u can pursue marketing course."
But,marketing somehow...):
In the end, I am now still in the situation of "what should I do?" state.haha(:
NUS 3.8
NTU 3.7
SMU 3.5
I want to get into NUS.
I need to put in lots of effort just like what I did for my O level,in order to acheive 3.8 GPA.
My hardwork for the O was the result I got in the end.
Though I failed my pure biology.Failure.
"Life has no smooth road for any of us; and in the bracing atmosphere of a high aim the very roughness stimulates the climber to steadier steps, till the legend, over steep ways to the stars, fulfills itself." ~W. C. Doane~
♥♥♥ 이홍기,♥♥♥ F.T Island!